Topic: Personal Daily Reflection during Shelter-in-Place that can be done as a meditation or journal entry.
Rational Aim: To explore daily observations that will help build routines and strengths in order to move forward with intention, creativity, meaning and personal accountability.
Experiential Aim: Checking in with myself will give me a personal, safe space to express my feelings and help me decipher how I want to be in community with others. I will feel empowered and able to articulate my feelings to stay grounded in the present.
Context: Sheltering in place can take me through many emotions throughout the day. How can I make the most of being introspective and take time for my own self-care in order to serve my family, community, and work in a healthy way that helps us navigate through these new norms?
Question Level |
Question |
Reflection |
Objective |
Reflective |
Interpretive |
Decisional |